My greatest blessings

My greatest blessings

Sunday, June 21, 2015

What my Dad didn't do...

What my Dad was not...

Not a blazing bonfire to light the entire world in which I walked,
Instead a small match, helping me light my own torch to guide my steps.

Not a magic carpet to take me anywhere and everywhere I wanted to go,
Instead a smithy, teaching me, his apprentice, to build a cart to take me where I needed to go.

Not a computer programmer, telling me the exact steps to take in every situation,
Instead, a mirror, showing through his own life the reflections of kindness and compassion for others!

Not an ATM machine, spitting out money for every little whim and wish,
Instead, an investment broker, teaching me to work hard, save lots, and spend my own hard earned money wisely.

Not a pinch hitter, jumping in to hit the fast balls for me,
Instead a coach, teaching me the small details that would help me swing the bat myself and face either my own strike or run!

Not a nanny, spoon feeding me mashed up vegetables and pulverized meat,
Instead, a cooking instructor, showing me the right way to feed myself and my family!

Not a knight in shinning armor, sweeping in to save me as a damsel in distress,
Instead, a fencing teacher, showing me how to defend myself, and face my fears in confidence!

Not a slave driver, demanding service without pay,
Instead a manager, showing me the reward of pride to be found in a job well done!

Not a drill seargent, forcing me to fall in step with the mainstream,
Instead, a band director, teaching me to march to the beat of my own drum!

Not a doctor, fixing up every bump and bruise that came along the way,
Instead a nurse, to pick me up, dust me off, and help me put myself back together.

Not a benefactor, bestowing thousands of rich and fancy gifts,
Instead a locksmith, helping me fashion a key to unlock the gifts that the Lord has given me to share with the world!

Not a Savior, to rescue me himself from all the many dangers and evils of this world,
Instead a shepherd, to guide me carefully to Jesus, the One that loves me even more than the wonderful man I call Daddy! 

On this Father's Day, I'd like to thank my Dad, Ken Roberts, not just for all the things he did for me, but for all the things he taught, helped, guided, led, and encouraged me to do for myself! What a gift from God a great father is!